2019 Shared Parenting Report Card
*The interactive map has been updated to reflect legislative changes to May 1, 2024. The report has not been updated and is only current to 2019.
To determine the degree to which state legislatures have absorbed and acted on the scientific consensus on the benefits of shared parenting, in 2014 NPO undertook the first ever evaluation of states’ statutory provisions promoting shared parenting. The 2019 NPO Shared Parenting Report Card® report updates and enhances the 2014 report.
NPO found that many states have been extremely slow to alter their statutes concerning custody of children when parents live apart. While there have been improvements since 2014, far too many states lag behind the times and, in so doing, fail to promote the best interest of their children.
In the 2019 NPO shared parenting study:
2 states received ‘A’s
7 states and the District of Columbia ‘B’s
25 states received ‘C’s
15 states received ‘D’s
2 states received ‘F’s